Configuring the Magic 8-Ball Module
The Magic 8-Ball module allows users to ask a question and receive a randomized response similar to a classic Magic 8-Ball toy.
Commands and Usage
Ask the Magic 8-Ball
Asks the Magic 8-Ball a question and gets a randomized response.
- Usage:
,8 <question>
,8ball <question>
- Example:
,8 Will I win the lottery?
,8ball Should I take the job offer?
- To ask the Magic 8-Ball if you will win the lottery:
,8 Will I win the lottery?
- Response:
- You shake the magic ball... it says Definitely
- Response:
- To ask the Magic 8-Ball if you should take the job offer:
,8ball Should I take the job offer?
- Response:
- You shake the magic ball... it says Maybe
- Response:
Possible Responses
- Definitely
- Yes
- Probably
- Maybe
- Probably not
- No
- Definitely not
- I don’t know
- Ask again later
- The answer is unclear
- Absolutely
- Dubious at best
- I’m on a break, ask again later
- As I see it, yes
- It is certain
- Naturally
- Reply hazy, try again later
- DO NOT WASTE MY TIME (highlighted in red)
- Hmm… Could be!
- I’m leaning towards no
- Without a doubt
- Sources say no
- Sources say yes
- Sources say maybe
- Use ,8 or ,8ball to ask the Magic 8-Ball a question.
- The response is randomly selected from a list of possible answers.