Frequently Accessed Articles

Below are some of the most commonly accessed articles in our wiki. These are selected based on user activity.

Channel Modes

Things to know

Newnet supports a variety of channel modes to manage and control the behavior of channels. These modes are categorized into five types, each serving different purposes:

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Newnet Bot

The Duck Game module spawns ducks randomly in channels and allows users to interact with them by befriending, trapping, or shooting them. The module also tracks user statistics related to their interactions with ducks.

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Newnet Bot

The Magic 8-Ball module allows users to ask a question and receive a randomized response similar to a classic Magic 8-Ball toy.

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Newnet Bot

The Badwords module allows users to manage a list of prohibited words in a channel and define actions (kick, ban, kickban) to take when those words are used.

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Newnet Bot

The Dice Rolling module allows users to roll dice in the style of Dungeons & Dragons (DND). Users can specify the number of dice and the number of sides per die, as well as any modifiers to apply to the roll.

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Newnet Bot

The BTC module provides the current exchange rate for Bitcoin in various currencies.

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