
Configuring the Badwords Module

The Badwords module allows users to manage a list of prohibited words in a channel and define actions (kick, ban, kickban) to take when those words are used.

Commands and Usage

List Badwords

Lists the bad words in the current channel.

  • Usage:
    • ,badwords list

Add Badword

Adds a bad word to the bad words list with a specified action (kick, ban, kickban).

  • Usage:

    • ,badwords add kick|ban|kickban <pattern>
  • Examples:

    • ,badwords add kick exampleword
    • ,badwords add ban anotherword
    • ,badwords add kickban onemoreword

Delete Badword

Removes a bad word from the current channel’s bad words list by its index.

  • Usage:

    • ,badwords del <index>
  • Example:

    • ,badwords del 1


  • To list all bad words in the current channel:

    • ,badwords list
  • To add a bad word with a kick action:

    • ,badwords add kick inappropriateword
  • To remove the first bad word from the list:

    • ,badwords del 1

Replace <pattern> with the bad word or phrase you want to add, and <index> with the numerical position of the bad word in the list.