
Configuring the Badge Module

The Badge module allows users to manage and view badges. It includes commands for listing, showing, adding, and removing badges, as well as clearing all badges for a user.

Commands and Usage

List Badges

Lists badges for a specified user or the command issuer.

  • Usage:
    • ,badge list [nickname]

Show Badge

Shows details of a specific badge.

  • Usage:
    • ,badge show <name>

Add Badge

Adds a badge with the current date or a specified date.

  • Usage:

    • ,badge add <name> now
    • ,badge add <name> today
    • ,badge add <name> <date>

    Date should be in year-month-day format (e.g., 2024-07-29).

Remove Badge

Removes a specified badge.

  • Usage:
    • ,badge remove <name>

Clear Badges

Clears all badges for a specified user.

  • Usage:
    • ,badge clear <nickname>


  • To list badges for a user:

    • ,badge list username
  • To show details of a badge:

    • ,badge show exampleBadge
  • To add a badge with the current date:

    • ,badge add exampleBadge now
  • To remove a badge:

    • ,badge remove exampleBadge
  • To clear all badges for a user:

    • ,badge clear username

Replace <nickname> and <name> with the appropriate values.