Configuring the ChanOp Module
The ChanOp module provides advanced channel operator commands, such as managing channel modes, kicks, bans, and user access levels.
Configuration Options
Set Default Kick Reason
Set the default reason for kicking users from the channel.
- Usage:
,config channel:<channel_name> default-kick-reason <reason>
,config server:<server_name> default-kick-reason <reason>
,config bot default-kick-reason <reason>
- Example:
,config channel:#examplechannel default-kick-reason "Inappropriate behavior"
Set Ban Format
Set the format for bans.
- Usage:
,config channel:<channel_name> ban-format <format>
- Example:
,config channel:#examplechannel ban-format *!${u}@${h}
Set Quiet Method
Set the method for muting users on the server.
- Usage:
,config server:<server_name> quiet-method <method>
- Example:
,config server:myserver quiet-method qmode
Set Account Ban Method
Set the method for banning users by account on the server.
- Usage:
,config server:<server_name> aban-method <method>
- Example:
,config server:myserver aban-method insp
Set Mode Lock
Set which modes are locked on and off for the current channel.
- Usage:
,config channel:<channel_name> mlock <modes>
- Example:
,config channel:#examplechannel mlock +mnt-z
Commands and Usage
Topic Management
Set or append to the channel topic.
- Usage:
,topic <#channel> <topic>
,tappend <#channel> <topic>
- Example:
,topic #examplechannel Welcome to the channel!
,tappend #examplechannel - Enjoy your stay!
Invite User
Invite a user to the channel.
- Usage:
,invite <#channel> <nickname>
- Example:
,invite #examplechannel username
Manage Access Flags
Configure access flags for a user.
- Usage:
,flags <#channel> <nickname> [flags]
- Example:
,flags #examplechannel username +o
,flags #examplechannel username -o
Mute/Unmute Channel
Mute or unmute the entire channel.
- Usage:
,cmute <#channel> [duration]
,cunmute <#channel>
- Example:
,cmute #examplechannel 10m
,cunmute #examplechannel
Clear Channel List Mode
Clear a given channel list mode.
- Usage:
,clear <#channel> <type|mode> [mask]
- Example:
,clear #examplechannel +b
,clear #examplechannel quiet
Search Channel List Mode
Search a given channel list mode.
- Usage:
,lsearch <#channel> <type|mode> [mask]
- Example:
,lsearch #examplechannel +b
,lsearch #examplechannel quiet
Ban/Unban User
Ban or unban a user from the channel.
- Usage:
,ban <#channel> <mask|nickname> [duration]
,unban <#channel> <mask|nickname>
- Example:
,ban #examplechannel username
,unban #examplechannel username
Kick User
Kick a user from the channel.
- Usage:
,kick <#channel> <mask|nickname> [reason]
- Example:
,kick #examplechannel username "Inappropriate behavior"
Kick and Ban User
Kick and ban a user from the channel.
- Usage:
,kickban <#channel> <mask|nickname> [duration] [reason]
- Example:
,kickban #examplechannel username "24h" "Inappropriate behavior"
Grant/Revoke Channel Modes
Grant or revoke channel modes for a user.
- Usage:
,op <#channel> <nickname>
,deop <#channel> <nickname>
,voice <#channel> <nickname>
,devoice <#channel> <nickname>
- Example:
,op #examplechannel username
,deop #examplechannel username
,voice #examplechannel username
,devoice #examplechannel username
Replace <channel_name>, <server_name>, <type|mode>, <nickname>, and <mask> with the appropriate values.