Command Suggestions

Configuring the Command Suggestions Module

The Command Suggestions module provides suggestions for unknown commands based on similarity to known commands.

Configuration Options

Enable/Disable Command Suggestions

Enable or disable command suggestions for a specific channel or server.

  • Usage:
    • ,config channel:<channel_name> command-suggestions true|false
    • ,config server:<server_name> command-suggestions true|false
  • Example:
    • ,config channel:#examplechannel command-suggestions true
    • ,config server:myserver command-suggestions false


  • When a user enters an unknown command, the module suggests the closest matching command if the suggestions are enabled.
  • The suggestion is made if the similarity between the unknown command and a known command is above a certain threshold (70%).


Unknown Command Suggestion:

  • User: !sttus
  • Bot: username: Unknown command. Did you mean !status?

Replace <channel_name> and <server_name> with the actual names of the channel and server you wish to configure.