
Configuring the Greeting Module

The Greeting module allows setting a custom greeting message that is sent to users when they join a channel.

Configuration Options

  • Set Greeting Message
    • Sets the greeting message to be sent to users when they join a specific channel.
    • Usage:
      • ,config channel:<channel_name> greeting <message>
    • Example:
      • ,config channel:#examplechannel greeting Welcome to #examplechannel!

Commands and Usage

  • Set Channel Greeting
    • Set a greeting message for a specific channel.
    • Usage:
      • ,config channel:<channel_name> greeting <message>
    • Example:
      • ,config channel:#examplechannel greeting Welcome to the channel!


  • To set a greeting message for a channel:
    • ,config channel:#examplechannel greeting Welcome to #examplechannel!
      • Response:
        • Set greeting for #examplechannel to Welcome to #examplechannel!'


  • When a user joins a channel, the bot will send a greeting message to the user.
  • The greeting message is customized per channel and can include the channel name for context.
  • If the server supports the draft/message-tags-0.2 capability, the message will include the +draft/channel-context tag to provide additional context.


  • Ensure that the bot has the necessary permissions to send notices to users.
  • The greeting message can be customized per channel, allowing for different greetings in different channels.