Configuring the Hashing Module
The Hashing module allows users to hash a given string using a specified algorithm and return the hashed result.
Commands and Usage
Hash a String
- Hashes the provided string using the specified algorithm.
- Usage:
,hash <algorithm> <string>
- Example:
,hash sha256 example string
List Available Algorithms
- Lists all available hashing algorithms.
- Usage:
- Example:
To hash a string using SHA-256:
,hash sha256 example string
- Response:
example string -> <hashed_string>
- Response:
To list all available hashing algorithms:
- Response:
Available algorithms: sha256, md5, sha1, ...
- Response:
- Ensure the correct hashing algorithm is specified. If an unknown algorithm is provided, an error message will be displayed.
- The available algorithms depend on the hashlib library’s capabilities.