Configuring the Karma Module
The Karma module allows users to give or take karma points from other users or entities using specific commands or patterns. It also provides commands to check and manage karma.
Configuration Options
- Enable/Disable Karma Pattern
- Enables or disables the parsing of ++/-- karma format.
- Usage:
,config channel:<channel_name> karma-pattern true|false
- Example:
,config channel:#examplechannel karma-pattern true
Commands and Usage
Add Karma Point
- Adds a karma point to a specified target.
- Usage:
,addpoint <target>
- Example:
,addpoint someuser
Remove Karma Point
- Removes a karma point from a specified target.
- Usage:
,rmpoint <target>
- Example:
,rmpoint someuser
Get Karma
- Gets the karma of a specified target or the user if no target is specified.
- Usage:
,karma [target]
- Example:
,karma someuser
Reset Karma
- Resets the karma of a specific target or all karma given by a specific user.
- Usage:
,resetkarma by <nickname>
,resetkarma for <target>
- Example:
,resetkarma by someuser
,resetkarma for someuser
Automatic Karma Handling
The module also supports automatic karma handling using specific patterns in messages.
- Increment/Decrement Karma with Pattern
- Automatically increments or decrements karma using patterns like
. - Example:
- Automatically increments or decrements karma using patterns like
To add a karma point to a user:
,addpoint someuser
- Response:
someuser now has X karma (+1 from yournickname)
- Response:
To remove a karma point from a user:
,rmpoint someuser
- Response:
someuser now has Y karma (-1 from yournickname)
- Response:
To get your own karma:
- Response:
yournickname has Z karma
- Response:
To reset karma given by a user:
,resetkarma by someuser
- Response:
Cleared karma by someuser
- Response:
To reset karma for a user:
,resetkarma for someuser
- Response:
Cleared karma for someuser
- Response:
- Karma changes are throttled to prevent abuse. Users must wait a few seconds between changes.
- Karma can be given or taken for users or any other target.
- The karma can be managed on both server and channel levels.
- Ensure the correct permissions are set for managing karma.